Research Opportunities
Hope + Me is committed to providing the highest quality of programs and services as developed through the lens of lived experience. We greatly value the benefit of those having direct, first-hand experience with mood disorders, or the experience supporting a loved one, family member, and friend.
Our evidence-based services are designed always to support the recovery of individuals and lessen acute-care utilization in their communities.
We recognize that we cannot do it alone, so partnership and collaboration is a cornerstone of the Hope + Me strategic plan. We look forward to continuing and expanding collaboration with other health care providers, research institutions, and our government partners.
Research Opportunities:
Digital Storytelling for Bipolar Disorder: Evaluating digital storytelling to support the illness experience of patients and families living with bipolar disorder
If you agree to participate in the study, please complete this short 10 minute online survey:
For more information, please visit: Please direct any questions about this study to Dr. Sandalia Genus – Research Associate at or Dr. Ari Zaretsky – Priniciple Investigator at
In our service partnerships with GTA quaternary hospitals and specialized mental health organizations, Hope + Me’s trained volunteers and clinical staff act as a bridge to clinical care, a destination for outpatients, and a center of excellence for peer support training. Service integration between hospitals, specialized mental health service providers, and community-based organizations supports the transition of acute care patients into the community. It mitigates their return to emergency departments and more costly institutional solutions.
- Collaborative Care with two resident Psychiatrists and two Psychiatrists providing Psychiatric Consultation Services.
- Peer Support Training with the Thompson Centre – Volunteers being trained for one-on one and group peer support.
- Peer Support on the wards and psych educational groups -Strengthen Families Together and WRAP®.
- Virtual Peer Support Groups
- Training and recruiting volunteers
St. Mike’s
- Peer Support Training and WRAP®
- Monthly Community of Practice
Hong Fook:
- Through this partnership Hong Fook would refer individuals to the Peer Support Training program at the Hope + Me Mood Disorders Association of Ontario.
Unison Health an Community Services:
- Laughing Like Crazy
Michael Garron Hospital
Partnership with CAMH: Workshops
Understanding Mental Health and Well-being in Later Life
In partnership with CAMH, Hope + Me works with the Provincial System Support Program to provide 12 workshops across Ontario.
In October and November of 2019, Hope + Me helped CAMH pilot workshops to support seniors’ well-being. CAMH adopted our facilitator and participant feedback to update and refine the workshop’s material in preparation for rollout in March 2020. CAMH deemed us an excellent partner during this successful pilot phase and invited us to partner with them as partner organization and facilitator for the full rollout process.
Here are some resources, developed with our research partners to help you cope with your mental heath issues: