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Hope + Me Values

Group of people in therapy

Lived Experience

We empathize, respect, and value people with lived experiences of mental illness.


We strive to have compassion, honor, trust, and authenticity in all that we do for our clients.


We strive to be accessible, inclusive, and responsive to our clients by honoring their autonomy and right to make choices on their path to recovery.


We foster collaborative and working partnerships with other health services providers by leveraging the strengths of our organization in providing mental health services to the community.


We constantly develop new ideas and innovative programs and services to foster resilience and meet our diverse community’s needs.

Senior man smiling

Trained Peer Support

Hope + Me volunteers are trained to Ontario Mental Health Commission Guidelines. Therefore, they have updated knowledge of and are engaged in continuous learning of best practices, methodologies, and principles of practice.

Our educational values that guide training at Hope + Me are:

  • Unwavering client focus
  • Uncompromising quality
  • Evidence-based training
  • Continuous learning and improvement
  • Collaboration and partnership
Woman in white clothes